A Letter from Desktop Leadership
A Letter from Desktop Leadership
To our valued customers,
The last few days have been anything but normal, and we felt it was right to keep our customers informed during this time of uncertainty.
We are currently open with several operational changes (listed below). Our priority is keeping our employees, their families, and our customers safe & healthy during this global event. The measures taken below are designed to do that.
We will continue to serve you to the best of our ability until informed otherwise. We're in constant contact with our suppliers and shippers, while listening to Local, State, and Federal Government Officials.
This is a fluid situation and we are constantly re-evaluating. If there is any change in service, we will let you know right away.
The last few days have been anything but normal, and we felt it was right to keep our customers informed during this time of uncertainty.
We are currently open with several operational changes (listed below). Our priority is keeping our employees, their families, and our customers safe & healthy during this global event. The measures taken below are designed to do that.
We will continue to serve you to the best of our ability until informed otherwise. We're in constant contact with our suppliers and shippers, while listening to Local, State, and Federal Government Officials.
This is a fluid situation and we are constantly re-evaluating. If there is any change in service, we will let you know right away.
Updated Protocols & Procedures...
Lower Number of Staff in the Building at One Time
- Developed a Shift Schedule (No Layoffs)
Workstation Placement & Cleaning
- Each Warehouse Worker’s station is Now At Least 6 Feet Apart
- Each Workstation is Given a Can of Lysol to clean after shift
If Any Employee Feels Ill or Thinks They've Come in Contact with Someone With COVID-19, They are Told to Stay Home
- Worker Will Receive Paid Vacation (Will Not Lose Personal Vacation Time)
- No Personnel Illness to Date (Continually Monitoring)
**This is our protocol until advised otherwise by Federal or Connecticut Government.
On behalf of the staff thank you for your support and we will all work together to get through this.
- Ken Smith & Mike Smith - Owners of DesktopSupplies.Com